The heather blooms, the heather blooms,
But then the blossoms fall.
Who doesn't know love's joys and glooms,
Has never lived at all
I am a maiden, young and fair,
In the sorrow lair
My nights I could not rest.
Pressed in blest,
All for my love, який don't care,
It looked like чарів glare
Mоя краса Медея
But body was obsessed, heyya
The heather blooms, the heather blooms,
But then the blossoms fall
Who doesn't know love's joys and glooms,
Has never lived at all
Казали тікай
But his eyes so bright
He came to me each night.
It was not right,
To hold me in his sight, нє
My bitter sweet desire
Втонуло все моє, е
He's gone (пішов)
To find a new fire
A sinful despair
A short acerbic affair
He's such liar
Бог покарає!
Mama, каже:
Let him go,
Мама каже
Не буде ні love, ні joy,
Се буде лиш only pain
Цвіте терен, цвіте терен
The heather blooms, the heather blooms,
But then the blossoms fall
Who doesn't know love's joys and glooms,
Has never lived at all
The heather blooms, the heather blooms,
But then the blossoms fall
Who doesn't know love's joys and glooms,
Has never lived at all